Natural Food That Makes You Happy by Pascale Naessens

Natural Food That Makes You Happy by Pascale Naessens

60 delicious recipes, but all with the same starting point: respect for yourself

A couple of months ago I had the enormous pleasure to win a meeting with Pascale Naessens, a Belgian chef with a passion for natural food. In her way of cooking, she has one guideline: Do not mix carbohydrates with proteins. On top of that she recommends to only eat only natural ingredients and to not be stingy with olive oil. Meeting her was nothing short of an absolute delight, I’ve never spoken to anyone who is so passionate about food and who is so driven, enthusiastic and creative, as she not only cooks, but creates her own cookbooks, ceramics and has her own olive oil. A true inspiration! She taught me so much in just one hour and we both had the same vision on life: find the right balance. Neither of us believe in diets, and we don’t limit ourselves to only one way of eating.
I must say her vision on not combining carbs with proteins is hard at first, as your body and brain have so gotten used to combining meat with pasta and veggies, or fish with potatoes. But I am trying to try to cook along those guidelines at least 2-3 times a week (salmon with pesto and veggies or stuffed veggies are my favorite) and even though I only recently started, it’s already doing wonders for how I feel. I simply feel healthier, better and more energetic already! ‘Natura food that makes you happy’ is only one of the many books she has already written, so make sure to have a look at her website for her other books, her way of cooking and some of her recipes.

About the author
Pascale Naessens

Striving for simplicity and beauty, healthy, tasty and not much work in the kitchen: That’s pure enjoyment.

Pascale Naessens is an international model, travelling to Milan, Paris, Madrid and Japan. At the age of 22, she travelled to the south of China and Hong Kong and became intrigued by the Eastern vision of health. She studied shiatsu therapy, healthy food habits coaching and Tai Chi. Passionate about food, she also received a classical training as a restaurant owner and received master-classes with a number of chefs. She is also a famous ceramist and her ceramic line ‘Pure’ is an international success.

Pascale Naessens is now a bestselling culinary author and winner of the Gourmand World Cookbook Awards in Paris and Beijing. With her books, she has created a real culinary ‘movement’. People can enjoy their food again and still lose weight. HerPascale Naessensrecipes have been praised by doctors and osteopaths alike. She is a genuine cooking revelation and has topped the bestseller lists in Belgium for months – something that no other food writer has achieved before. As an international photo-model, she has travelled the world and regularly works in Paris, Milan, Madrid and Japan. She is especially fascinated by Asia and she followed training as a shiatsu therapist and healthy living consultant. In 2003 her passion for food led her to follow the classical training of a restaurateur. She still attends master classes taught by well-known chefs. As a ceramist, she has designed her own tableware under the name ‘Pure’, which has enjoyed considerable international success.

“It is all about ‘creating’. Look, here on earth there isn’t actually very much. You have to create it yourself: romance, eating, health, your living environment. A lot of it is up to you. You are the architect of your own world. I apply it everywhere. I strip everything of the extras. I do it with houses, relationships, food, friendships. I strip it down and put it back together again.”- Pascale Naessens

Raw halibut with sesame oil and coriander sauce by Pascale Naessens

Raw halibut with sesame oil and coriander sauce by Pascale Naessens

Book description
Food that makes you happy, more attractive and more energetic. In her fourth book Pascale Naessens continues to opt for a simple and natural way of eating. But this is definitely not a diet! Her pure way of cooking has come to stand for health, wonderful flavor and minimum time in the kitchen.
Pascale Naessens cookbooks reflect her personality and her many different talents. She creates all the recipes, writes all the texts, designs the styling and determines the layout of each book. Her third book, Pure Enjoyment 1, won the Prestige Award at the Gourmand World Cookbook Awards in Paris. Natural Food is the crowning achievement of her work so far.

You can buy the book on Amazon UK, Amazon US or Amazon DE.

Spicy curry soup with chicken and vegetables by Pascale Naessens

Spicy curry soup with chicken and vegetables by Pascale Naessens

Smoked salmon filled with crab, salmoneggs, vegetables and dill sauce by Pascale Naessens

Smoked salmon filled with crab, salmoneggs, vegetables and dill sauce by Pascale Naessens


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