Salmon Spread With Avocado, Goat Cheese, Chives, And Lime Juice

super easy


It’s time for the final recipe in my smoked salmon starter series. I previously shared the recipes for smoked salmon mousse with mascarpone, balsamic vinegar and pomegranate seeds and for the smoked salmon pâté with sour cream and Philadelphia, dill, and lime juice. Today’s recipe is for salmon spread with avocado, goat cheese, chives, and lime juice. All three combined make for a stunning salmon platter, and I’ll share how to combine it all tomorrow!

This salmon spread is great on wraps as well, all you have to add is some of the spread, topped with rocket and some fresh green apples. Roll it up and slice it in pinwheels! For the amount below you’ll need 4-5 big wraps (I highly recommend beetroot wraps), 50g rocket, 2 small Granny Smith apples.



Adjust Servings
200g smoked salmon
1/2 lime (juiced)
1 ripe avocado
10g fresh chives
150g goat cheese (without rind, ideally either a soft log or spreadable one for on sandwiches) Sometimes they only sell 125g of goat cheese, this is perfect too, no need to buy a second tub just for the sake of 25g.


Put all the ingredients in a food processor
Blend until you get a nice smooth spread.
Keep in the fridge until ready to serve. The addition of the lime juice should prevent the mixed in avocado from going brown but you can also put the avocado pit back in with the spread to keep it fresh.
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